Page header text image 'Matters of Law'

Page subheading text image 'Australian Commonwealth'
Item label 'Nationally Coerced Sedition Ornate red centered button linked to: pdf document labelled, 'Nationally Coerced Sedition’, a declaration concerning the lawfulness of the Australian referendum of November, 1999. Item label 'Pseudo-Constitutional Statute Struck Down' Ornate red centered button linked to: pdf document labelled, 'Pseudo-Constitutional Statute Struck Down’, that is, a legal brief concerning the supposed constitutional validity of the Australia Acts of the Parliaments of Australian and the United Kingdom, 1986. Item label 'Invalid Amendments to Crimes Act' Ornate red centered button linked to: pdf document labelled, 'Invalid Amendments to Crimes Act’, that is, concerning 55, 24C and 24D the operative sections 24C of the Commonwealth Crimes Act, 1914.
Subdivision label 'Commissioned Informations of Constitutional Felonies' Ornate red centered button linked to section labelled, ‘Unprosecuted indefensible Constitutional crimes’, namely Treason, Sedition and Contempt of the Crown.

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